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Tridoshas And Foods to be eaten by people with different doshas

Tridoshas And Foods to be eaten by people with different doshas

Based on the Panchamhabhuta theory, the above elements combine with each other in the human body to form three life forces or energies, called doshas. These doshas are responsible for our physical, mental, and emotional tendencies. Everyone inherits a unique mix of the three doshas, with any one of them being more dominant. The three doshas (tridoshas), or bio-energies found in our body are:


  • Vata energy is associated with air and space (ether).
  • It controls all body functions associated with movements like blood circulation, respiration, blinking, heartbeat, nerve impulses and elimination.
  • When this energy is balanced, the individuals are usually lively, creative and original thinkers.
  • However, if it is out-of-balance, vata produces fear and anxiety, causes joint pain, constipation and dry skin.


  • Pitta energy is linked to fire and water
  • It controls the digestive and endocrine systems of the body.
  • People with high pitta energy have a fiery personality, are intelligent and fast-paced.
  • However, if this energy is out-of-balance, it causes ulcers, inflammation, digestive problems, anger, heartburn and arthritis.


  • Kapha energy is linked to earth and water.
  • It controls the growth of the body and adds strength. 
  • It also offers protection to the body.
  • It includes elements like the Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that protects the brain and spinal column and also the mucosal lining of the stomach.
  • The people having a predominant Kapha energy are calm, loving and forgiving in nature. 
  • However, an out-of-balance Kapha can lead to disorders like diabetes, obesity, sinus-related problems, gallbladder issues and insecurity.
Tridoshas And Foods to be eaten by people with different doshas

Every individual is made up of a unique proportion of Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha, with varying ratios of each of the dosha. This combination of the tridoshas which is present in the individual at the time of conception is also maintained throughout his lifetime. Furthermore, this variation makes every person unique and is responsible for different reactions when exposed to the same environment or stimuli. 

According to Sushrut Samhita, one of the primary works on Ayurveda, a healthy person is defined as "he whose doshas are balanced, has a good appetite, all tissues of the body and natural urges are functioning properly, and whose mind, body and spirit are cheerful".

Learn more about the Basic Concepts of Ayurveda

It is believed that your chances of getting sick are linked to the balance of your doshas. Factors like stress, unhealthy diet, weather, and strained family relationships disturb the fine balance between the 3 energies.

When any one of the doshas (Vata, Pitta or Kapha) get accumulated and are out-of-balance, Ayurveda practitioners suggest making some lifestyle changes along with nutritional guidelines for reducing the out-of-balance dosha. Some herbal supplements as medication as also used for improving the healing process.

Besides herbal medicines, Ayurveda states that every individual needs to eat foods which are based on his/her prakruti or constitution.
Here, I will describe the foods to be eaten or avoided by people with different doshas

Vata Dosha

It controls all the body movements like blood circulation, breathing, blinking, and heartbeat. Generally, Vata gets aggravated by properties like cold, dry, light, hard and rough.

Foods to avoid during an imbalanced Vata

  • Foods such as dry crackers, cold and frozen sweets and desserts, big portions of raw vegetables and salads will aggravate the Vata imbalance. 
  • Also, people with Vata dosha should avoid refined foods like white flour and sugar. Also, they must avoid eating foods that are pungent, bitter and astringent in nature, are light, dry and cold. 
  • They should also decrease the intake of alcohol, smoking, junk food, tea (including green tea) and brown rice.
  • Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, celery, leafy green vegetables, mushrooms, peas, peppers, potatoes, sprouts, and zucchini should be avoided. 
  • Even tomatoes need to be avoided except as small helpings in salads.
  • Avoid fruits like apples, pears and pomegranates.
  • Avoid excessive use of spices like pepper, fenugreek, coriander etc. However, these spices in moderation are not harmful.

Foods that help people with Vata imbalance

  • Foods that are warm, moist, soft and with a sweet, sour and salty taste are beneficial during a Vata imbalance. 
  • These people can eat foods like wheat, rice, corn and soft dairy products. 
  • They must consume foods like hot cereal, soups and vegetables, and whole cooked grains like rice, wheat and oats.
  • The vegetables that they can eat include carrots, green beans, cucumber, okra, onions and garlic, radishes etc.
  • All sweet fruits like bananas, dates mangoes etc. should be eaten during a Vata imbalance.

Pitta dosha

The Pitta energy, when balanced, controls the body's metabolism including digestion and absorption. Pitta is generally aggravated by foods that are hot, spicy and oily.

Foods to avoid during an imbalanced Pitta:

  • Pungent and oily foods like curries, fried and oily stuff should be avoided by these people. 
  • Even consumption of spices like garlic and ginger, intake of alcohol, smoking, having junk and fried foods, pickles, vinegar, fermented foods, buttermilk, curd and yoghurt should be avoided by these people.
  • Avoid coffee
  • Skip egg yolk
  • Grains like corn, millet and rye increase the pitta dosha.
  • Vegetables like carrots, beets, garlic, eggplant, peppers, onions, tomatoes etc should be avoided.
  • Avoid sour and unripe fruits. 
  • Also, fruits like papayas, peaches, bananas should be avoided.

Foods that help in controlling the Pitta imbalance

  • Foods that are cool, dry with a mildly sweet, bitter and astringent taste should be preferred for a pitta imbalance.
  • These can include items like milk, rice, beans, and steamed vegetable.
  • Mild spices like cumin, coriander, cilantro, cardamom are very helpful during this dosha.
  • All vegetables and fruits except sour and pungent tastes can be consumed.

Kapha Dosha:

Kapha energy controls the growth of the body and adds strength. Kapha is worsened by foods that are sweet, heavy and oily, cheese-based and fried.

Foods to avoid during an imbalanced Kapha

  • Foods that are oily in nature like dairy products, fried foods should be avoided. 
  • Desserts, sweets, and ice creams are to be avoided.
  • All sweet fruits and vegetables and like cucumbers, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes are to be avoided.
  • Avoid excess salt in food.

Foods that help people with Kapha imbalance

  • Foods that are easily digested, are less oily and dry in nature should be eaten to balance Kapha. 
  • Generally, foods that are bitter, dry or have an astringent taste should be preferred for a Kapha imbalance. For example, puffed rice and corn, quinoa, millet, green leafy vegetables are beneficial.
  • Spices like turmeric, pepper flakes, ginger help balance Kapha dosha.
  • All vegetables and fruits can be consumed. However, vegetables that are easily cooked and digested and fruits like apples, pomegranates, pears etc are preferable.

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